Xiaoxin Mi 米晓新

Dr. Xiaoxin Mi (米晓新)

I am a Researcher and PostDoc in the School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Wuhan University of Technology. Before joining the Wuhan University of Technology, I received my doctorate advised by Prof. Bisheng Yang in 2023 and worked with Prof. Jantien Stoter and Liangliang Nan for 1 year in the 3D GeoInfo Group of Delft University of Technology. My research interest lies at the cross of 3D Computer Vision and Urban Understanding, particularly including scene understanding and modeling, point cloud processing as well as their applications in intelligent transportation systems (ITS).

I am open to academic cooperation and looking for self-motivated master students! Please drop me an email if you are interested in working with me!

Recent News

  • 2025-03: I am promoted to tenure-track Researcher Associate at Wuhan University of Technology!
  • 2023-12-30: I was awarded a Ph.D by Wuhan University!
  • 2016-06-30: I got my bachelor's degree from Wuhan University!

Selected Publications

* denotes equal contributions and † denotes the corresponding author.

Cross-modal semantic transfer for point cloud semantic segmentation
Zhen Cao *, Xiaoxin Mi *, Bo Qiu, Zhipeng Cao, Chen Long, Xinrui Yan, Chao Zheng, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing(ISPRS J) 2025 (IF: 10.6)
Ubiquitous Point Cloud: Theory, Model, and Applications
Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong, Fuxun Liang, Xiaoxin Mi
CRC Press 2024
A benchmark approach and dataset for large-scale lane mapping from MLS point clouds
Xiaoxin Mi, Zhen Dong, Zhipeng Cao, Bisheng Yang, Zhen Cao, Chao Zheng, Jantien Stoter, Liangliang Nan
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation(JAG) 2024 (IF: 7.9)
A two-stage approach for road marking extraction and modeling using MLS point clouds
Xiaoxin Mi, Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong, Chong Liu, Zeliang Zong, Zhenchao Yuan
ISPRS J 2021 (IF: 11.774)
Automated 3D road boundary extraction and vectorization using MLS point clouds
Xiaoxin Mi, Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong, Chi Chen, Jianxiang Gu
IEEE T-ITS 2021 (IF: 9.551)


Academic Activities